Press Review

Press Review

press review

by Jed Danbury, Vice President of Computop, Inc - (...) Given the pervasiveness of smartphones, it’s no surprise that mobile commerce has grown in recent years. However, while mobile commerce can imply that searching, selecting, ordering and paying is done solely on one smartphone, the actual…

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press review

(...) Mobile commerce, or Commerce, suggests that the process of searching, selecting, ordering and paying is done solely on one smartphone. But Ralf Gladis CEO of Computop, who offer omnichannel payment transactions, believes that the customer journey is much more nuanced...

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press review

(...) solution provides the best of both worlds: Computop is a well-established and respected European payment service provider and Limonetik is a fintech payment technology orchestrator who has been working with marketplaces in Europe from the early days of their development...

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press review

Further expanding the scope of many years of working together, Computop and Limonetik are excited to announce that they have signed an agreement for jointly providing marketplace payment services to their wide-ranging bases of European clients...

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press review

Ralf Gladis, CEO of Computop, walks us through the ins and outs of biometric authentication within the confines of Delegated Strong Customer Authentication requirements.

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press review

by Jed Danbury - Contactless payments have been experiencing a steep rise outside of the U.S., particularly as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. (...) In the U.S. merchants are also removing the prompt for requiring signature during the pandemic, which is in-line with changes released by Visa in…

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press review

by Ralf Gladis, CEO, Computop - For all the talk about omnichannel and multichannel, these terms mean virtually nothing to consumers. They simply want to shop where it suits them, and the better the experience the more likely they are to come back for more...


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press review

by Ralf Gladis - (...) Computop are working with retailers who can successfully sell over the phone and have extended the range of payment options to enable this. One of these is for retailers to accept credit or debit card payments over the phone through a payment back-office and enter the…

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press review

by Jed Danbury - (...) To be most effective, retailers should easily accept credit or debit card payments over the phone with a seamless connection to their back-office systems. Alternatively, they can send customers a link to the payment option by e-mail after the call...

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press review

By Jed Danbury, Computop -

In the course of digitalization, retail payments are undergoing rapid evolution. With omnichannel and alternative payment methods, smart retailers are using retail space more efficiently, transforming the Point-of-Sale (POS) into a unique, value-added experience that is…

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